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A Perfect Translator
is a professional who understands your product and takes your target audience to your goal.


To comprise the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language and to product, in another language, a new equivalent text.


To alter, adapt, or refine some material, especially to bring about conformity to a standard or to suit a particular purpose.


To find and correct any errors in text (spelling, punctuation, or grammar) before it is printed or put online.


To put a written translation of spoken dialogue on screen, simultaneously with the audio.

What they say about me

  • Nossos clientes utilizam rótulos em Português, Inglês e Espanhol. Nos três casos contamos com a conferência ortográfica e gramatical da Hannah corrigindo erros nas três línguas. Trabalho exemplar e confiável. Nossos clientes ficaram muito satisfeitos em contar com esse apoio.
    Graça Gouvêa
    Grafcola Etiquetas
  • Hannah is a very competent and organized professional. Without question, I will work with her again.
    Antonio Sanches
    Agencia Digitalis